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Unlock a world of Dutch reading with our multilingual online reading platform.
Designed for little explorers like yours!
You don't have to speak Dutch yourself,
to teach your child.
Most of our online books are narrated by native speakers in Dutch and/or other languages.
Empower your child to learn Dutch, even if you're new to the language!
Our platform's read-aloud feature is here to help.
Our 400+ duo-lingual books show Dutch and your native language next to each other.
Most are also professionally narrated in Dutch and several other languages.
Worried that your child doesn't fit in?
Bridge the language gap with our large collection of duo-lingual books!
Boost your child’s social confidence.
Find the right learning materials in Dutch and your own language.
Quick, engaging, and perfect for busy parents!
It works on any connected device.
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